Intro Graphic


We coordinate the publication of the topics with the news. Our origin has the effect that we describe the information from the ∗ G-S-A perspective.
(G-S-A means German-Switzerland-Austria)

1. Regions of Europe
  1. Current situation in the EU, Great Britain and Switzerland
  2. ∗ News around the EU on the start page
  3. ∗ Eurotopia - the division of Europe into regions with map
  4. ∗ European vision for an organization with 60 regions
2. National and International Law
  1. ∗ Interrelationships when national law takes precedence
  2. Any new national regulation shall be adopted on the basis of knowledge of the internationally applicable provisions
  3. International law: The frequency of changes and the necessary complexity should be considered.
3. Currencies, Energy, Customs, Pensions, Subsidies, Taxes
  1. Keeping the status quo, contractual ties, rigid system, influence of demography
  2. ∗ Monetary systems over time and the possibility of a two-tier monetary system up to the citizen
  3. ∗ Organizational Regulations for United European Regions
  4. ∗ Securing energy supply at low cost, promoting self-sufficiency and expanding it further
  5. ∗ List of electric vehicles
  6. ∗ List of suppliers for building services with renewable energy inclusive photovoltaic
  7. ∗ Cogeneration Units in the energy transition (PDF file)
4. Services
  1. ∗ Culture - Vision for a Practice Day in Napoleon History
  2. ∗ Schematic overview of the state organization of Western democracies
  3. ∗ Video statements from politics, research and business
  4. ∗ PDF file: Europe Vision Sixty Regions
  5. ∗ Subscription RSS Feed English
5. The Europe Vision lives
"Make Europe great again", Abbreviation "MEGA".
The original text is written in ∗ German. This is a translation.
 ∗ with one click you get to the corresponding websites. Further information is available on these topics.
 Intro Graphic: We have edited a graphic from
Last update: May 15, 2024
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